Sunday, June 15, 2008

Walking your Way to Prosperity

By Rev. Stephen Okhutu
Tel: +2565 712 734 661

Walking may sometimes be scaring especially when one is not sure of reaching his destination. This has been the main factor why many peopole have remained in poverty. Fear have characterised their life!

Today I want to handle the section of investment which I believe will take you to full prosperity.

Before you could embark on your Journey to prosperity, you should first note that God called you to prosper, you only need to know where to begin from.

Now I hope you are beginning to realise that this is a Journey which you should walk with determination! There is no way you are going to walk this Journey unless you have a leader with you! For this case, the Leader is going to be the word! yes, the Word and Information will be the Leaders through your Journey.

You should know that whatever you think is going to determine if you will reach your destination or just lead you somewhere.

Before, you start on any investment, first seek information on how it is run. This is very important in that it will help you; to kill that fear and also equip you with all the necessary tools to go ahead.

Remember, to walk a clear way, you need to follow a clear way. The only way to follow a clear way is by acqiring all the necessary imformation at hand before you start.

Last week I had a friend of mine here who had an investment idea some two years back. He remained with the idea but could not move a step ahead to realise his idea. Last month, someone put the same idea into practise by investing just next to his home! he was then complaining about how he had the same idea but failed because he did not have the necessary information!

How many ideas have you laboured to put in practise and if not, could you give satisfying reasons why you did not?

Many people live with very productive reasons but could not invest in making them a reality just beacuse they don't have the necessary information.

Also note that in every journey, you will meet obstacles which will tend to stop you from moving on. But if you believe that God is willing you to reach your set destination, you will succed.

There is also another factor of Lack or need. In whichever walk of life, know that you will meet a stage when you will live in scarcity. What matters is how you handle your needs. get hold onto the word and afterwards you will say, God is great!

Have I talked about opposers? yes, opposers are every where, in everything you do they will be there! They will tend to block you. What makes things worse is that these so called enemies may even be you! Imagine what you think, are not your thoughts blocking you from prospering? Just control what you think and think prosperity!

Remember the Bible says that God will bless you in the city and in the country. Why not take this blessing by walking into it?

Also remember that what you do now will affect your Children and even the grand children!
If you decide to live poor, then you will be placing a burden on all your children to spend most of their time trying to put up a certain investment!

So what you did not do for your children places a burden on them to do it. if you did not prepare a foundation for them to prosperity, they will struggle!

So please if you don't mind walking into full prosperity, at least do it for your children and the generation to come!

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