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‘Trade is better than Aid.’ German President, Horst Kohler
It came like a dream. Africans were transported to Europe to do the donkey work –to act as slaves. Then the raw materials were exported, finished goods found their market in Africa. Then Africans were forced to buy these goods without their will.
Pacts were made between African leaders to force western goods and lifestyle onto Africans. Legislation forcing Africans to act against nature, for instance the one to promote homosexuality and lesbianism were made in the name of civilization!
And now, life has become so hard! The west have realized that they have to do what they should have done some 100 years ago! -To develop Africa.
The west had to create a better life for Africans but instead they concentrated in the love-hate relationship where our brothers the Blacks were treated as if they were no human beings. Imagine all the so called modern literature paint Satan as black. No wonder more African children believe that which come from Europe is good and all which is African is satanic. Even the God has to be white.
We even tend to forget that God is a spirit which no body can give a human description. But should we dare explain this!
But God is for Africa. He loves it that even all the tricks made to destroy Africans could not succeed as they wished it.
Imagine forcing God’s people in Africa to practice homosexuality threatening not to give them money if they don’t do what you want!
Let us not forget that God had Africa in mind before he created the whole world. The Bible testifies on this (read the Old Testament. Perhaps this is one area where the writers failed to change for the favour of the whites)
What was called civilization was instead a devils work to destroy the world. Think about Australia recycling human waste to get water.
Do you know that the cerebrated philosophers who are greatly respected for their wisdom in Europe developed after admiring African Wisdom? Perhaps this is why they are called Philosophers (Name given to them after staying in Africa and admired, copied and wrote about all the wisdom they found in Africa -Egypt). No wonder some academic disciplines like Mathematics, Architecture among others still carry the African words and symbols.
I know of a country in Africa where you can find the entire natural wonders one can imagine of in the world. For instance, the very high mountains alongside very low lands, Very cold regions and very hot areas, Places with very dry land and those with very fertile lands. A land where one can get Fresh and Organic foods and fresh spring natural waters running. All these and more can be found in Uganda and other parts of Africa!
The west tried grabbing land like in Kenya, Zimbabwe but all this was short lived when the Africans realized the tricks played. Now blood is flowing in Kenya, Whites suffered in Zimbabwe just because the west tried to use force forgetting that the only thing God gave to Africa was wisdom. –The hidden Wisdom which the west called backwardness. The wisdom which the west worked hard to destroy!
But you can not kill an African heart even when he is dead. The spirit of his land lives even after he leaves this world.
It is funny to note that what Africans did some thousand years ago is what the west is trying to enforce calling it modernization.
However, we feel sorry that this comes after a long time when Africa is mourning its independence killed at the hands of selfish leaders whose love was only in money than minding about the future of their land. This has caused shame and bloodshed while those who instigated it are laughing silently. They ask where is the wisdom Africa used to be proud of. Where is the strength in Africa?
German President breaks the silence.
The German President recently on his visit to Africa especially Uganda and Rwanda gave me hope when he noted that what the west do to Africa will take them nowhere unless they drop all the strings given to the continent.
He only feared to mention that the west should drop all the insulting conditions put on the donations and funds given to African. And this is what we all ought to do.
Imagine the former international funding director saying that the best thing to do now is to trade with Africa than giving it stringed Aid.
In short, we should respect Africa than treating it like a dog.
Every white at this time should believe that Africans are human beings and to the extent even wiser that some Whites. Now that the Whites are seeking refuge from Africa -running away from the danger they caused to their continents in the name of development; in whichever African country they go to, they should respect Africans like their brothers. It is unity and love that Africans need. Not money, not insulting legislations and nothing else.
This now gives me reason to respect you Horst Köhler. Just in case you did not mean turning Africans into slaves at their own home. –giving them only the dirty insulting work as if they do not have even a small brain in their heads.
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