Monday, August 25, 2008

The Power of effective Prayer.

By Rev. Stephen Okhutu.
Tel: +256 712 734 661

I have been touched by the rate at which people are cursing God due to delayed response on their prayers.

Surely, this used to happen to me before I realized how to pray! Christians have spent much of their time in petitioning God than just doing what God requires them to do! The worst thing is that after spending time of petitions, they later turn to curse God the extreme being giving up Christianity all together.

But we should ask ourselves, who is on the wrong, God or me (me who is failing in my duties)?

To understand this better, let us first think about this; is it not the Bible that cautions us that we don’t always get what we pray for because we pray amiss?

We should again understand that it is God’s will for Human beings to live in a happy, peaceful and full life. This means it has never been God’s intention to create a suffering man. Perhaps that is why the Bible records at creation that God saw that all what he made was perfect and he was pleased! PLEASED because all the creatures was perfect. But where does the problem come from?

The problem may be from fear. Man has turned into a coward who fears anything in life. And this fear has affected Mans way of praying! It has even made him to forget that all what God does is perfect!

Our Lord Jesus said that we should not wait for the Kingdom of God for it is already in our midst. This if closely studied with the fact that at creation God gave us the power to co-create, You need to only wake up and do what is required of you.

The Bible provides in John 1:1-3 that through the Word all things can be made. The word was there at the beginning, was with God and it was God! So without him (the Word) nothing was made!

I hope now you are getting the point? Remember when the Disciples asked Jesus to teach them about Prayers, and what he said? That when you pray, make sure you don’t use useless words, because the father you ask knows what you want even before you can say it. This is wonderful!

May be you have missed it; it means that even before you have said what you want, God had already known it and answered your prayers!

Remember also that our Lord promised that whatever we should ask in his name would be given unto us. This guarantees that you must get what you want just on the mention of the name Jesus!

The God you are praying to is not deaf neither his eyes blind that he could not see what you are doing, it is only your sins that makes him hold back when you pray!

I now know that, from the above you now know how to pray. You now know that with the Word you can create everything that you need in life because the Word is a tool that God uses to create.

But you need to need to note this before your prayers may become affective;

1. Know that before you say what you want God has already known what you want. So petitions are not necessary. In fact most of your time in prayer should be in thanking the lord!

2. This will again take you to hoping for what you have asked for. Remember God listens to the inner you! So whatever you think is what he will give to you, because surely that is what you exactly need! Remember Jesus asking his disciples that how many of you will give a snake to your son when he asks for a fish? This means that God will give you exactly what you asked for. So when you think poverty, you will remain poor, think sickness and you will find your self in hospitals every other day.

3. Remember what God has done in your life and how many times you have asked for it. You will realize that few of what you ask are answered but more of what you think (or may be talked about sometime) are the ones that keep on coming!

4. Also note that faith goes with action. After prayers you will need hope, but this is nothing if you do not dedicate your self to practicing what you want to be.

Note that it does not matter what you say and how you say it. What matters is what you think because this is where most of your time will be spent that actual talking.

I believe God is doing wonders in your life and by the time you finish reading this, you will be seeing changes in your life.

Blessings and peace! Please do not hesitate to let me know what God is doing in your life. You may contact me through the above address and we can pray together!

Find me here next week!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Hope and faith; a gateway to success

By Rev. Stephen Okhutu
Tel: +256 712 734 661

Hope and faith are the major ingredients for one to be a true Christian. It is useless for one to claim to be a Christian when he or she is crying all the time.

Our Master, Jesus Christ said that whoever will believe in him will have power to overcome the evil one. This is a guarantee that a Christian should always live in hope in order to overcome the so called problems than living in fear.

Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul.
Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell. (Mathew

This implies that to be a Christian, and to claim all the rights and privileges of a christian (By Christian I mean Catholics, protestants, Pentecostals and any other religion that believes Jesus to be the saviour), one should have faith and Hope!

May I please share with you that many people have lived miserably just beacuse they lack hope! I always see them here. You find Christians taking risks, others crying most of their time when otherwise what they should have done is relaxing! relaxing in order to find a solution to what they call a problem! And in most cases what we call problems are just ways through which we can enter into a better life experience.

I don't want to make this a long article, but please just read on.

Do you believe that what you normally fear is what always comes into your life? And that human beings always spend their time fearing things which they have nothing to change! Just like a child will fear his shadow!

Think of a woman who will refuse to move out of the house because she fears her friends to see that she is putting on weight. At the end, because of little exercises, she will keep on enlarging... until she realises that she should otherwise do the contrary!

The same with poverty! many are in poverty, just because they fear to invest. So instead of thinking about development ideas, they are thinking about the risks which may be involved in investment and discussing people who failed. (remember the question you ask yourself will decide the solution. So a wrong question will always lead to a wrong solution!)

Always have faith, positive faith that may take you somewhere! The Bible says that what a man thinks is what he is!