By Rev. Stephen OkhutuTel:+256 712 734 661
s_okhu@yahoo.comWhen we talk about prosperity, most christians believe that this will come out of the blue and hit their life!
May be this has been caused by the confusing surmons from their leaders who aim at causing division in the church for their own benefit. at the end they have distorted money from them.
This means there is a problem!
Many Christians believe that a miracle will come out of the blue and within no time they will be rich! OK, this may happen but it is not a guarantee.
Our Lord Jesus promised that whoever obeys his command shall have supernatural power. This was a confirmation of what happened at creation in Genesis when God blessed Adam to Command all other creations.
The bottom line is for one to get blessed he must first obey the commandments of God and then take a step forward with his faith to do something through which he will receive the blessings.
The Blind Batemoius knew his problem and also knew that with Jesus near his all his problems will be over. So much as he could not see, he kept on shouting on the top of his voice so that Jesus could hear his and heal him. The same was with the Woman with the Hemorrhage and many other people who received miracles from Jesus. This must be a lesson to all of us that though we have the faith a Christians, we should add on Action.
We should stop looking at work as a curse! Let us all know that work is a command from God, and like he said whoever keeps my commands will be blessed we need to work in order to get prosperity, period!
It should be also noted that when Adam sinned in Eden, he was not told to work as a punishment but the punishment was put in work! This may be a bit confusing. It means that regardless of what you do, you still need to work, but if you work hard, you will b blessed [through sweating you will get what to eat] unless you don’t need to eat!
Jesus himself taught work and always advised his disciples to earn a living through work. In fact most of the people he appointed disciples were working people; some were fishermen, others tax collectors and many other institutions.
Remember when the tax collectors wanted to arrest him for tax defaulting! He had the power to make money through his miraculous power but he commanded his disciples to work for it – to go and fish so as to get the money to pay tax! If he could do that to himself what about you? Don’t you think you need to work in order to get the blessings? Like the money came from the mouth of the fish, the same miracle could also happen to you if you work!
At this rate, the duty of religious leaders could be mobilizing the followers into work. Starting up jobs that could help his followers get out of poverty instead of distorting money from them.
This reminds me of a Pastor in Uganda who mobilized his church followers into farming. He dubbed this get out of Poverty campaign. He leased equipments from the bank and started farming.
All the money collected from the congregations was regarded as investments.
The church was then to find market, each ones had to contribute a small amount in loan repayment and like that the cycle goes. Hardly a year that the problem of hiking food prices hit the country giving market to all the products produced.
If all churches do like this, I know the people would be blessed and even the tithe would come as it is supposed to come!
There are many other areas where the church could invest and transform its people from poverty. Personally I believe that if one believes in God and then remains in poverty then he is not reflecting his faith properly. This is the person I would call a sinner, otherwise why is he not blessed!
God loves us equally and his blessing is there for us all, it is only our sins that are preventing us from taking this blessing, by sin I also mean bad thinking, worry and fear! Some of us may even fear to invest thinking that their money may not make profit. So they take this money to a pastor to pray for the Money. No wonder some of these pastors are tempted to use the money! (And these things happen! People take millions of dollars to their religious leaders for cleansing and later complain).
More tips on how to get out of poverty
I understand that some people would love to begin small investments but lack the money to start with. I say it is not money only that can start a business. Start with the little you have, use the available resources near you including the people you live with, and slowly you will witness the power of God working within you!
Make friends. Don’t hate people just to prove that you can hate! Hate only helps to punish you instead! Do yourself a favor and help people in need since through them God may help you also.
Be patient, have faith but don’t forget to have hope, it is the best thing in life, in fact that is why you’re living - because you have hope!
If you have a business plan, tell it to the people who could help in funding it, you may be discouraged but don’t lose hope.
Don’t wait to start big; the little you have is enough to make you a billionaire!
May be let me share this with you; I remember the days when I could not own a penny in my pocket for weeks. My wife encouraged me to work and I tried everything I could but still could not make it! I will not go into the details of the problems I faced, but I suffered! My employers could spend over four months without paying me. Until one day when I realized that God has already blessed but I had to do something. I told this to my friend and within no time I founded a powerful Business which transformed me from within days!
I did not have the money to start the business but I had friends!
Because I passed through the same life, I know what I am talking about and I need every one to come out of poverty.
God is not looking at how many times you go to church, but he considers what you do, this will take his presence with you everywhere.